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Frau die in einer Küche losen Tee zubereitet.


Organic tea from 7Tea ® . Pure, fine & healthy

Experience a journey of the senses with every sip of our exquisite teas. Immerse yourself in a world full of aromas and harmony - relaxation and enjoyment in every cup.

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55 products


type of tea
Caffeine/ Decaffeinated
14-Tage-Probierpaket - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
Ayurvedisches Tonic
14-Tage-Probierpaket Sale price£15.00(£100.00/kg)
Calm - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
Kamille • Lavendel • Basilikum
Calm Sale price£18.00(£90.00/kg)
LIMITEDDeer Line | Ingwer Shot - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
LIMITEDDeer Line | Minz Power - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
LIMITEDDeer Line | Sleep - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
Energy - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
Mate • Zitrone • Minze
Energy Sale price£18.00(£90.00/kg)
7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
fennel Sale priceFrom £3.00(£75.00/kg)
Limitiert auf 350 Stk. Save 7%Self-care routine
Self-care routine Sale price£26.00 Regular price£28.00(£123.81/kg)
Green rooibos
7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
Green rooibos Sale priceFrom £3.00(£66.67/kg)
Hagelzucker Vanille-Sahne - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
Granulated sugar vanilla cream Sale price£2.00(£2.00/100g)
hibiscus flowers
7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
hibiscus flowers Sale priceFrom £3.00(£100.00/kg)
Kluntje Kandis - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
Kluntje Kandis Sale price£2.00(£2.00/100g)
Kraft - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
Melisse • Zitrone • Rosmarin
Kraft Sale price£18.00(£90.00/kg)
7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
spearmint Sale priceFrom £3.00(£150.00/kg)
Krustenkandis braun - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
Crust rock candy brown Sale price£2.00(£2.00/100g)
lavender flowers
7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
lavender flowers Sale priceFrom £3.00(£150.00/kg)
7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
lemongrass Sale priceFrom £3.00(£150.00/kg)
Mango cubes
7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
Mango cubes Sale priceFrom £3.00(£60.00/kg)
Limited to 100 boxesMystery Tee Box - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
Mystery tea box Sale priceFrom £36.00
herbal teaN°02 | Fine Chamomile - Fennel, Chamomile & Lemongrass
Fruit teaN°03 | Strawberry Kids - Strawberry & Coconut
Rooibos teaN°04 | Deep Forest - Honeybush, Lavender & Nettle
Fruit teaN°06 | Paradise Cove - Apricot, Mango & Moringa
herbal teaN°08 | Hibiscus Dreams - Hibiscus, Lemon & Rose
Fruit teaN°09 | Cream Caramel - Cream, tangerine & caramel
herbal teaN°11 | Mint Power - Mandarin & Mint
Rooibos teaN°12 | Honey - Rooibos, honey & dates
herbal teaN°15 | Magentee - fennel, anise & caraway
herbal teaN°16 | Kiel - rose hip, lemon & verbena
herbal teaN°17 | Lighthouse - lemon, nettle & mint
herbal teaN°19 | Deep Silence - Verbena, Lavender & Rose
White teaN°21 | Relax - Mango & Passion Fruit
Green teaN°23 | Dike Blossom - Sencha, Rhubarb & Strawberry
Black teaN°24 | Old East Frisian - East Frisian mix
Black tea - rarityN°26 | Sailor's Yarn - Assam, Peppermint & Spearmint
Fruit teaSold outFinest Englisch Breakast Teemischung
Rooibos tea - For the eveningN°29 | Sleep - Passionflower, Vanilla & Orange
Fruit teaN°37 | Ginger Shot - Honey, Ginger & Lemon
herbal teaN°38 | Cold - Rosehip, Thyme & Rosemary
Green teaN°39 | Granatapfel-Holunderblüte - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
Fruit teaN°40 | Berry love - apple, elderberry & currant
Herbal tea - energy drinkN°44 | Baltic Sea - Goji, lemongrass & fenugreek
Fruit tea - thirst quencherN°45 | Extremely powerful - ginger, lemongrass & aronia
Fruit teaN°48 | Seute Deern - Cassis, Hibiscus & Aronia
Black teaSold outN°49 | Earl Gray - Deluxe Blue
Deluxe Blue
N°49 | Earl Gray - Deluxe Blue Sale priceFrom £5.00(£100.00/kg)
Fruit teaN°51 | Pure Ruby - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
Green tea - energy boostN°52 | Explore - Ginger, Lemon & Mint
Fruit teaN°54 | Coconut - Coconut, Mango & Papaya
Fruit teaN°83 | Blood Orange - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
Orange pulp
7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
Orange pulp Sale priceFrom £3.00(£100.00/kg)

7Tea® & Teerezepte

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Melon tea smoothie

Ingredients: 2 teaspoons green tea or another mild tea of ​​your choice 250 ml hot water 2 cups diced melon (honeydew, watermelon, or cantaloupe, depending on your preference) Ice cubes ...

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Cocktail: Earl Grey Martini
N°49 | Earl Grey

Cocktail: Earl Gray Martini

Ingredients: 50 ml strong Earl Gray tea (chilled) 50 ml gin 20 ml lemon juice 10 ml simple syrup or honey syrup Ice cubes A lemon zest or cornflower blossoms for garnish Prep...

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Klassischer Earl Grey Latte - N°49 | Earl Grey
N°49 | Earl Grey

Classic Earl Gray Latte - N°49 | Earl Grey

3 teaspoons of your black tea blend 250 ml water 250 ml milk or a plant-based alternative 1 tsp vanilla extract (optional) Frothy milk for topping A little grated bergamot peel or corn...

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