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Tee zum Mittag - 7TEA®

tea for lunch

There are many good reasons why you can drink tea with lunch! Whether it aids digestion, helps you relax, helps you hydrate or simply gives you great taste, there are many reasons. Here you will find an excellent selection of teas that can help you do just that.

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17 products


type of tea
Caffeine/ Decaffeinated
herbal teaN°02 | Fine Chamomile - Fennel, Chamomile & Lemongrass
Fruit teaN°03 | Strawberry Kids - Strawberry & Coconut
Rooibos teaN°04 | Deep Forest - Honeybush, Lavender & Nettle
Fruit teaSold outN°06 | Paradise Cove - Apricot, Mango & Moringa
herbal teaN°08 | Hibiscus Dreams - Hibiscus, Lemon & Rose
Fruit teaN°09 | Cream Caramel - Cream, tangerine & caramel
herbal teaN°11 | Mint Power - Mandarin & Mint
herbal teaN°19 | Deep Silence - Verbena, Lavender & Rose
Black tea - rarityN°26 | Sailor's Yarn - Assam, Peppermint & Spearmint
Fruit teaN°37 | Ginger Shot - Honey, Ginger & Lemon
Fruit teaN°40 | Berry love - apple, elderberry & currant
herbal teaSold outOrange und Ingwer, Früchte-/Gewürzteemischung
Black teaSold outN°49 | Earl Gray - Deluxe Blue
Deluxe Blue
N°49 | Earl Gray - Deluxe Blue Sale priceFrom £5.00(£100.00/kg)
Fruit teaN°51 | Pure Ruby - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
Green tea - energy boostN°52 | Explore - Ginger, Lemon & Mint
Fruit teaSold outN°83 | Blood Orange - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
noveltyTEE SOMMELIÈRE - Big Box - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop

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Melon tea smoothie

Ingredients: 2 teaspoons green tea or another mild tea of ​​your choice 250 ml hot water 2 cups diced melon (honeydew, watermelon, or cantaloupe, depending on your preference) Ice cubes ...

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Cocktail: Earl Grey Martini
N°49 | Earl Grey

Cocktail: Earl Gray Martini

Ingredients: 50 ml strong Earl Gray tea (chilled) 50 ml gin 20 ml lemon juice 10 ml simple syrup or honey syrup Ice cubes A lemon zest or cornflower blossoms for garnish Prep...

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Klassischer Earl Grey Latte - N°49 | Earl Grey
N°49 | Earl Grey

Classic Earl Gray Latte - N°49 | Earl Grey

3 teaspoons of your black tea blend 250 ml water 250 ml milk or a plant-based alternative 1 tsp vanilla extract (optional) Frothy milk for topping A little grated bergamot peel or corn...

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