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7TEA® - Newsletter

Frühstückstisch mit vielen leckeren Sachen, Brötchen, Tasse Tee, Marmelade, Nutella, Bananen, Obst, Zucker, Käse, Milch

tea for breakfast

Start your day with tea: it invigorates with natural caffeine, offers a stomach-friendly alternative to coffee and strengthens your immune system with antioxidants. Enjoy this healthy kick start to the day!

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11 products


type of tea
Caffeine/ Decaffeinated
herbal teaN°02 | Fine Chamomile - Fennel, Chamomile & Lemongrass
Green teaN°23 | Dike Blossom - Sencha, Rhubarb & Strawberry
Black teaSold outN°24 | Old East Frisian - East Frisian mix
Black tea - rarityN°26 | Sailor's Yarn - Assam, Peppermint & Spearmint
Black teaSold outN°49 | Earl Gray - Deluxe Blue
Deluxe Blue
N°49 | Earl Gray - Deluxe Blue Sale priceFrom £5.00(£100.00/kg)
Green tea - energy boostN°52 | Explore - Ginger, Lemon & Mint
Fruit teaSold outN°83 | Blood Orange - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
noveltySave 43%TEE SOMMELIÈRE - Big Box - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
TEA SOMMELIÈRE - Big Box Sale price£33.00 Regular price£58.00(£4.02/100g)
TEE SOMMELIÈRE - Big Box - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
100% cocoaTrinkschokolade 100% Kakao - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
Marc & Kay
Drinking chocolate 100% cocoa Sale price£6.00(£3.43/100g)
With coconut blossom sugarTrinkschokolade Pure Taste - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop
Marc & Kay
Drinking chocolate Pure Taste Sale price£6.00(£2.40/100g)

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Melon tea smoothie

Ingredients: 2 teaspoons green tea or another mild tea of ​​your choice 250 ml hot water 2 cups diced melon (honeydew, watermelon, or cantaloupe, depending on your preference) Ice cubes ...

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Cocktail: Earl Grey Martini
N°49 | Earl Grey

Cocktail: Earl Gray Martini

Ingredients: 50 ml strong Earl Gray tea (chilled) 50 ml gin 20 ml lemon juice 10 ml simple syrup or honey syrup Ice cubes A lemon zest or cornflower blossoms for garnish Prep...

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Klassischer Earl Grey Latte - N°49 | Earl Grey
N°49 | Earl Grey

Classic Earl Gray Latte - N°49 | Earl Grey

3 teaspoons of your black tea blend 250 ml water 250 ml milk or a plant-based alternative 1 tsp vanilla extract (optional) Frothy milk for topping A little grated bergamot peel or corn...

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