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Article: White Tea and Muddled Basil Mojito

Weißer Tee Basil Mojito Cocktail

White Tea and Muddled Basil Mojito

Today we present you a refreshing and exotic cocktail recipe: the White Tea and Muddled Basil Mojito. This cocktail combines the gentle taste of white tea with aromatic basil - a perfect choice for warm summer evenings or as a special drink for your next party. The highlight? We use our fine organic white tea (N21 or N36) from 7Tea® as a base.

Ingredient list:

  • 2 tsp 7Tea® organic white tea
  • 2 tsp sugar (or honey)
  • Fresh basil leaves (approx. 10 pieces)
  • Juice of half a lime
  • 60 ml white rum
  • soda water
  • Ice cubes
  • Lime slices and extra basil leaves for garnish

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Preparing tea: First brew the white tea with hot water and let it steep for about 5-7 minutes. Then let it cool down.
  2. Muddle basil: Muddle (mash) sugar and basil leaves together with the lime juice in a glass until the flavors develop.
  3. Mix the cocktail: Add the white rum and the cooled white tea. Mix well.
  4. Serve with ice: Fill the glass with ice cubes and pour the soda water over it.
  5. Garnish: Garnish with a lime wedge and a few basil leaves.

Tips and Variations:

  • Sugar substitute: For a healthier option, you can replace the sugar with honey.
  • Non-alcoholic version: Simply leave out the rum for a non-alcoholic mojito.
  • For Parties: This recipe can easily be multiplied to prepare a pitcher of the cocktail for guests.

We hope you enjoy this unique twist on a classic mojito. Let us know how you like the “White Tea and Muddled Basil Mojito”! And don't forget to order our organic white tea for this and other recipes directly from us in the 7Tea® online shop.

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