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Article: Champagne iced tea

Champagne iced tea

Welcome to the world of luxury with our champagne tea! This noble creation is an exquisite blend of fine tea and sparkling champagne, ideal for festive occasions or as an elegant surprise for your guests. The champagne tea is a sign of sophistication and fits perfectly into the upscale tea culture of 7Tea®.

Ingredient list:

  • 4 tsp high-quality 7Tea® organic white tea or green tea
  • 1 bottle of high quality champagne
  • 2 tbsp sugar or honey
  • Fresh berries (e.g. raspberries or strawberries) for garnish
  • Edible flowers (optional) for decoration
  • Ice cubes

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Prepare tea: Brew the white or green tea with hot water and let it steep for about 3-5 minutes. Then let it cool down.
  2. Sweeten: Add sugar or honey to the cooled tea and stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Cooling: Place the sweetened tea in the refrigerator until well chilled.
  4. Prepare: Half fill glasses with ice cubes and pour the chilled tea over them.
  5. Fill with champagne: Fill the glasses with champagne.
  6. Garnish: Decorate each glass with fresh berries and optional edible flowers.

Tips and Variations:

  • Tea Selection: Experiment with different types of tea to create different flavor profiles.
  • Sugar substitute: Try agave syrup or stevia as an alternative to sugar.
  • Non-alcoholic version: Replace the champagne with non-alcoholic sparkling wine or sparkling mineral water for a non-alcoholic version.

Enjoy this luxurious champagne tea at your next celebration and let yourself be enchanted by the combination of fine tea and noble champagne! Visit our 7Tea® online shop for more inspiring tea recipes and products.

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