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Article: How to make the perfect tea: An ultimate guide

Wie man den perfekten Tee zubereitet: Ein ultimativer Guide - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop

How to make the perfect tea: An ultimate guide

The art of brewing tea is as old as time itself and remains one of the finest ways to relax and refresh yourself. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced tea lover, this guide will help you brew the perfect tea, with special attention to water temperature and steeping time.

The basics of tea preparation:

Making the perfect tea starts with choosing the right water and mastering the temperature and brewing time. These elements vary depending on the type of tea and are crucial for releasing the flavors.

  • Water selection: Fresh, filtered water is ideal, as hard or chlorinated tap water can affect the taste of the tea.
  • Water temperature: The temperature should be adjusted depending on the type of tea:
    • Green tea: approx. 70-80°C
    • Black tea: approx. 90-100°C
    • White tea: approx. 70-80°C
    • Herbal tea: 100°C

The correct brewing time:

The brewing time is just as critical as the temperature. Brewing times that are too long can lead to a bitter taste, while brewing times that are too short can leave the tea flat and lacking in flavor.

  • Green tea: 2-3 minutes
  • Black tea: 3-5 minutes
  • White tea: 2-3 minutes
  • Herbal tea: 5-10 minutes

Tips for the perfect tea preparation:

To ensure the optimal taste of your tea, here are some additional tips:

  • Preheating the tea kettle: To avoid temperature loss, rinse the tea kettle with hot water before filling it with water to boil.
  • Pay attention to the proportions: In general, one teaspoon of tea per cup plus "one for the pot" is a good rule of thumb.
  • Use a tea filter: To avoid residue in the tea, use a tea filter or tea strainer.


Brewing the perfect cup of tea is an art that can be mastered with patience and practice. By following the right temperature, brewing time and a few simple tips, you can unlock the full flavor and aromatic qualities of your favorite tea. Experiment with different types of tea and methods to find your perfect cup.

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