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Article: Tea maker instructions

Tea Maker Anleitung - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop

Tea maker instructions

Hello, hello, people! There you have it, the instructions for the TeaMaker that you so longed for. Sorry it took us a while. It was a bit slow.

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The sealing ring!

So, first of all: Check whether the rubbers in the portafilter are seated correctly. This is exactly where you can see whether the TeaMaker is really tight. We designed it this way so that you can clean the stuff better. But that's exactly where the dog is buried - that could be the reason if the TeaMaker were to leak.

So now you put the ring on one side. It's best to put it where the sieve isn't located. You can see the recess where it belongs.

Now check again to see if everything fits properly. After 'tight' comes 'loose' - you know that, right?

And now comes the sieve. Place it nicely in the middle and then pull the rubber over it. Zack, done!

Now it's tea's turn. By the way, here you can get a foretaste of what our new glasses will look like... Fill in as much tea as you like or as it says on the package. Oh yes, and you can experiment a bit here.

Now place the sieve on the tea carrier and screw the whole thing on really tight. And by 'tight' I mean tight, not just a little tightened. It has to be tight!

So, the portafilter is now firmly in place. Perfect opportunity to take a little breather. So get on the sofa until the water is hot!

Now the water is finally hot and ready to be poured. Here we go!

Now screw the lid on tightly and tighten again. Then turn the whole thing upside down – but not you, the glass, right? 😄 You can also take the whole thing slowly at first to check whether everything is really tight. But if you've done everything as described, it will be tight!

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Well, the wait is over. Now turn the part over again and unscrew the lid. But be careful: do this over the table, not with the tea on your lap. Now you can either pour the tea into a cup or sip it straight from the TeaMaker. Don't worry, if you've got this down, it'll be a really spectacular tool for making your tea something really special. Cheers! 🍵✨

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