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Article: DIY iced tea – the healthy and delicious alternative to supermarket iced tea

DIY Eistee – Die gesunde und köstliche Alternative zum Supermarkteistee - 7Tea® Bio-Tee Onlineshop

DIY iced tea – the healthy and delicious alternative to supermarket iced tea

Table of contents

  1. Introduction: Fresh iced tea vs. supermarket iced tea
  2. This is how you make your own iced tea
  3. Why homemade iced tea is healthier
  4. Personal adjustments for your perfect iced tea
  5. Conclusion: Enjoy your summer with homemade iced tea

Welcome to the world of homemade iced tea! On hot summer days there is hardly anything more refreshing than a cool glass of iced tea. But did you know that homemade iced tea not only tastes better, but is also healthier than the versions from the supermarket? Let's discover together how you can easily make your own iced tea and enjoy the benefits.

Fresh iced tea vs. supermarket iced tea

Supermarket iced teas are often full of sugar and artificial additives that are not only unhealthy but also unnecessary. Homemade iced tea, on the other hand, offers full control over the ingredients and is free of artificial flavors and preservatives.

This is how you make your own iced tea

Preparing iced tea is easy and offers many variations. For a cold brew iced tea, it is recommended to let the tea steep for a long time - this creates a more intense taste without any bitterness. Use natural sweeteners such as honey or cane sugar and let the tea cool to room temperature after brewing to avoid cloudiness.

Why homemade iced tea is healthier

Homemade iced tea is rich in flavonoids and antioxidants, which are good for the heart and circulatory system and can reduce the risk of diabetes. In contrast to ready-made iced teas from the supermarket, your homemade iced tea contains no artificial additives or excess sugar.

Personal adjustments for your perfect iced tea

The great thing about homemade iced tea is that you can customize it to suit your taste. Experiment with different types of tea and add fruits or herbs to give your iced tea a personal touch.

Conclusion: Enjoy your summer with homemade iced tea

Homemade iced tea is the perfect choice for hot summer days. It is not only healthy and refreshing, but also a delight for the palate. Try it and experience the difference!

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